Decebal Remus FLORESCU
Post-doctoral researcher
Decebal Remus Florescu is a deputy Editor-in-chief of Adevărul newspaper, coordinating its Transylvanian counties. He’s a graduate of the Faculty of Law from “Babeş-Bolyai” University (BBU) Cluj-Napoca and he has been working as a journalist for over 15 years. Among the media institutions he worked for there are Ziarul Clujeanului, Clujeanul, Ziarul Financiar and the Adevărul de Seară network. In 2015, he was elected a president of the Cluj Press Professionals’ Association, a position he has held until today. In 2020, he defended his PhD thesis entitled “Creating viral content in the digital age”, within the Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences (FPACS), BBU Cluj-Napoca, becoming a PhD in Communication Sciences. He has been working as a teaching associate for the Journalism Department of the FPACS since 2015 and his research interests cover the media, democracy, corruption, fake news.