Sorin Nicolae Borlea
Experienced scientific researcher
Sorin Nicolae Borlea is professor and doctoral supervisor in the field of Finance, at the University of Oradea and Vasile Goldiș University, and associate scientific researcher at the European Research Institute of Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca. He has over 16 years of experience in the academic field and 30 years in the business environment. He has published over 90 scientific articles and 20 books. His most recent reference work is the book Economic and financial crime. Corruption, Shadow economy and money laundering, published as co-authored at the international publishing house Springer. In parallel with the academic field, he works in the business environment as financial auditor, accounting expert, tax consultant, and financial analyst, being strongly anchored in economic and financial crime issues in the files managed by the Court of Cluj-Napoca. He is well kown in the business environment as profesionist, being on the top of 10 accounting experts in Cluj County (2017).